About Us

Made by people who’ve walked in your teaching shoes.

CutTime is the market-leading fine arts education program management software in North America, offering inventory, financials, communications, and member management tools. Our powerful cloud-based platform enables thousands of school programs to track millions of assets. Powered by a carefully crafted modern technology architecture, CutTime is designed to scale with your program while giving you the flexibility to use what you need, when you need it. By providing low-cost secure payment processing and cost sharing options, practical guidance and access to core inventory tools, we help schools of all sizes provide a deeply meaningful experience for students, families and their communities.

1 million+ assets
in our inventory
43 of 50 states
in the USA (plus Canada)
96% great support
customer service rating
5K+ school programs
supported with love

What Our Customers Love About CutTime

Transition was super easy. CutTime has helped us put everything for our district in one place. It is very user friendly, straightforward, and accessible.

Nathan Wesner, Fine Arts Administrator in Pennsylvania

Before CutTime, my life was a lot more complicated trying to figure out who has what from a spreadsheet - it was miserable. Honestly, I can’t imagine life without CutTime!

John Donnelly, Music Educator in Oregon

I really like the CutTime staff who are so easy to communicate with. They have made this marching season way simpler for me and from here I think the rest of the year can go smoothly.

Music Educator in Florida

CutTime Named a Best Tool for Schools!

CutTime named Best Comprehensive Music Program Management Tool 2024 for Schools by SBO+ Magazine

The CutTime Leadership

Corey Black

Corey Black

Dwayne Ingram

Dwayne Ingram

Chief Commercial Officer
Mike Danforth

Mike Danforth

Chief Data Officer
Michelle Batten

Michelle Batten

Chief Marketing Officer
Andrea Kirschner

Andrea Kirschner

Chief Financial Officer
Andrew O'Neill

Andrew O'Neill

Chief Technology Officer
Allan Branch

Allan Branch

Head of Product and Support

A Dedicated Team of Ensembles

Like any group, our performance is driven by a diverse group of talented and passionate people who believe access to an enriching arts education is essential for our local communities.


CutTime moved to new offices in downtown Historic Saint Augustine, FL

CutTime Acquires Charms Office from Vanco

An exciting new chapter begins for the fine arts education community! Learn more about what this change will mean for our expanding family of customers, partners and employees.

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We’re proud to partner with the music education industry’s leading brands and influencers.

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Life is Better with CutTime

Trusted by 5K+ school programs and counting. Focus more on your students.
Create a life-long passion for the fine arts.