Get Ready, Charms Higher Ed Fine Arts Leaders

We're excited to help you prepare your programs' migration journey to CutTime!

Your school program’s migration experience from Charms to CutTime is very important to us. That’s why we want to provide you with information about what to expect along with valuable resources that can help you plan and execute as smooth a transition as possible for your programs. Watch our overview video, check out our summary of migration steps, download our recommended checklist and brand kit materials, and learn how you can get guidance and support along the way.

Welcome to Modern Simplicity with CutTime

You and your program are about to enter a totally modernized world where you’ll spend less administrative time so you can get more YOU time. Learn how we simplify keeping up with your valuable inventory data and communicating more effectively with program members. Get a glimpse of the key steps involved with your school district’s upcoming migration and set up in our modern platform.


Migrate Now for a Chance to Win

Haven’t moved yet to the NEW CutTime? You’re in for a HUGE SCORE if you rev it up. We’d love for your program to have a chance to win a $500 Gift Card from our friends at J.W. Pepper. You can use it to add new literature gems in pop tunes, show themes, or holiday hits to your library! Or you could use it to upgrade your music stands, handbell gloves or acquire some other valuable accessory.

It’s pure shopping bliss you won’t want to miss!


Your Migration Steps in a Nutshell

Your journey will consist of 5 key steps to ensure as seamless transition as possible from Charms to CutTime. Flip through our 'Migration Flashcards' below to learn more.

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Navigating the platform is very intuitive, so it is easy to use, and the support has been amazing!

University Department Head and Professor of Music in Arkansas

Use Our Handy Checklist

We realize that you have a lot to oversee and coordinate for the migration to CutTime. Rest easy - we’ve prepared a checklist that you can use to help guide you through all of the migration tasks. Keep in mind that each university/collegiate level fine arts program’s use of Charms can be unique, thus you should review your individual account and note any additional data categories that may need to be exported and backed up. If you are a school secretary assisting with the migration, make sure to share and review this checklist with your Program Director so you stay aligned on who's doing a particular set of tasks.


Leverage Our Brand Kit

Communication is a key part of your school program’s successful migration to the new CutTime. We’ve put together a kit of ready-made materials to help you spread the word about your move to CutTime to your program members across your website, eNewsletter, program handbooks, social media, and classrooms. We’ve also included a few slides that you can customize and use at your Next School Year Program Recruitment meeting in April/May.


Get More Migration Guidance

With 3,000+ migrations under our belt, be sure to leverage our experiences and knowledge to your advantage. Through our Online Help Center, you, along with your designated helpers can access tutorial videos and articles on specific importing and set up topics as you need them. Plus you can get answers to questions through our online chat, available live during business hours M-F 9am-5pm EST.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • We strongly encourage you to develop a migration plan for your university/collegiate program as soon as possible. A key part of the planning will be to schedule a timeframe for your migration, ideally before the end of the 23-24 school year. Pre-scheduling your migration enables us to prepare your new CutTime account creation and better tailored assistance for your setup in our system. Slots are starting to fill quickly, so don't wait to book your migration!

  • Yes! Our Self-import tools enable you to quickly take several of your exported Charms program data files and upload them into our system. Go to the Program Settings section of your new CutTime account, and look for all of the current options listed under ‘Onboarding’ to the right side of your screen. Once you upload your data, our importer will highlight and provide guidance on any formatting errors or missing data that needs to be addressed.

  • We understand that timing for your migration may need to be adjusted. Just send us an email to with the details of your schedule changes.

  • No worries, if you find that some additional time is needed to complete the migration, just let us know. You may find that you need a little extra time to clean up your inventory data before beginning those data imports into CutTime. In these cases, we recommend you proceed with getting your students and ensembles in place so your programs can start utilizing the communications and financial tools straight away while the inventory side of the data migration is completed.

    We’ve enhanced our import workflow to make this experience even smoother for you. Speed up your transition! Use our self-import tool wizardry to upload all of your students, instruments and attire inventory data in just a few minutes. Find them in the Program Settings.

    Starting March 1, 2024 you will have 45 days to complete all of your exports from Charms Office before we set your account to read-only mode for users and members until the system is shut down on August 30, 2024.

  • Actually, we’ve found that participating in the migration process is the BEST form of training. Many have told us that their migration to CutTime was WAY simpler and quicker than they originally anticipated. We’ve seen our customers become much more familiarized, comfortable, and confident with using CutTime by being active participants throughout their own migration journey. By being hands-on with setting up your own program’s data, it will be a much more realistic and rewarding learning experience for you.

    As you move through the migration process, don't hesitate to reach out to us if you have questions or get stuck at any point.

Need Support? Reach Out to Us Anytime.

As you migrate your programs, you may encounter some unexpected bumps or need an extra hand. Don’t hesitate to reach out us! We can schedule a time at your convenience to answer questions or dig deeper with you into any of the migration steps.