Nice to Meet You at CASMEC 25 :)

Hey there! We hope you are enjoying the convention. Thanks for stopping by our booth / showcase so you can learn more about CutTime.

Check out our curated collection of videos and blog articles below. Plus hear why we think that CutTime could make a very positive impact for you and your program.

Revolutionize Your Program with Software that Gets You

CutTime Events Dashboard for Fine Arts Admins, Teachers, and Booster Leaders in desktop mode and Inventory Assignments for Members inside a mobile phone

Fresh Approach to Solving Your Admin Headaches

Tired of the same ole stumbling blocks interrupting your daily teaching routine? Sick of pesky administrative hassles draining your booster support efforts? See how our modern tools can alleviate your struggles and rekindle the passion!

Practical Uses for You

CutTime allows me to spend less time writing receipts, creating rosters, printing instrument contracts, and other admin tasks. This in turn frees up more time for me to plan for and teach classes and rehearsals.

Music Educator in Arkansas

Simplify and Make More Music

See how CutTime can help you tackle complex inventory, cumbersome financials, overwhelming communications, and annoying paperwork burdens. Like what you see? Request a quote for a one-year or three-year subscription package.

Advice & Insights for You

Inventory check out for instruments and the e-signature by the guardian for the contract is a game changer for me. Permission slip signing is awesome too. The paper work in permission slips is crazy. My parents find it much easier as well. I can't go back to paper permission slips and instrument contracts.

Dan Boulton, Music Educator in California

Powerful Benefits Awaiting You

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Fall More in Love, We Promise ;)

Let's take our connection to the next level. Watch our collection of mini demo videos to get a closer look at CutTime in action. Or better yet, request a quote for a 1-year or 3-year subscription for your program. Volume discounts available!